1.Big Panda was enjoying munching on his bamboo until he saw something moving in the bushes.
2. Big Panda looked again and saw a lost little panda that was hungry and frightened.
3.The little panda said that it was so hungry it felt it could eat a person. Big Panda offered it some bamboo and it ate hungrily.
4. The news soon got out in the village that the captured baby panda had escaped, and the villagers that had trapped it were VERY ANGRY. It was worth a lot of money.
5.The villagers made a plan to hunt the baby panda down.
6. The big Panda heard the commotion and said to Baby Panda, "Follow me. It is too dangerous in this area. I will take you to safety."
Here is the story I made from the comments.

Peter the Panda
There was once a big panda who lived in a zoo in China.His name was Peter, he was busy eating his bamboo when he heard something in the bushes nearby.He ignored the sound at first,but then the bush moved.It moved closer and closer...until a cute baby panda popped out.It was frightened and hungry Peter immediately offered it some bamboo.''What is your name little guy?'' asked Peter. "My name is Lee,I was captured by some means villagers who wanted to sell me,but I managed to escape.What is your name?'' asked Lee."My name is Peter.We should leave this zoo.I'll take as much bamboo as I can and we will leave first thing tomorrow.
Meanwhile back at the village the villagers found out Lee had escaped and where very angry.They looked for Lee everywhere,but everywhere they looked Lee was not found.On the tenth day of their search they finally gave up.
Lee and Peter where already in Mongolia living a happy life on a bamboo farm with other pandas.
You did a great job Onodon. You put together an interesting story from all your Zoomout comments. You have received your ZOOMOUT CREATOR badge http://bit.ly/2uKgrGh